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MusemHotel EscherBreuer

Renovating The American Embassy designed by Marcel Breuer to Escher New Art Works Museum Hotel


Studio MuseumHotel
EscherBreuer 16/17



Interior Architecture (INSIDE)



Royal Academy of Art The Hauge, Netherlands


Guided by

Mark Veldman, OMA

Anne Hoogewoning

Team with

I-Chieh, Liu


Gemeentemuseum Den Haag


Breuer’s American Embassy, The Hague

M.C. Escher

  The news about a future vacancy of the American Embassy in The Hague, designed by the Brutalist architect Marcel Breuer, has brought up public debates and proposals. This project proceeded with one of the candidates, the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, hoping to reuse the building, as a client. The mission was to propose Maurits Cornelis Escher Collection Museum as the new occupant and convert the building into a hotel.

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  My given theme was ‘an intense art experience’. To evoke an intense spatial experience making optimal use of Breuer’s expressive architecture, I focused on M.C. Escher’s Tessellation Art and Breuer’s Trapezoid Panel(Facade). Escher’s art experience, with respect to Breuer’s legacy of the Embassy building, is mainly achieved by making the Trapezoid Stones look as if it have collapsed to the basement floor and is hanging in the air, forming a glass atrium in the main hall. This extension itself can be a large scale hanging installation, which is also an iconical branding of Escher Art Museum.


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The design proposal can be translated by three main transitions; Breuers to Escher, Passengers to Visitors and Horizontal to Vertical.

The Museum building is designed based on my thesis research about ‘curating the space’. 

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Three Transitions

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Transition A. Breuers to Escher, Escher to Breuers

M.C. Escher's Tessellation Art to Breuer's Trapezoid Window.

Facade(Window) to Floor. Shadow and lighting effects with visitors.

Create Space to Experience


Transition B. Horizontal to Volume

Transform linear floors to several volume boxes.

Museum can curate various types of arts


Transition C. Passenger to Visitors

Expose to passenger's eye level.

Form an impressive sightline

© 2020 by Shin

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